Theatre Experiences

In assessment 2, we gained a deeper understanding of Leeds Playhouse. We looked at the history of the early years of Leeds Playhouse, and the records of funding etc., which in turn prompted us to think about the gradual popularisation of theatre in the UK. Firstly we will share our thoughts on how our chosen collection relates to our own life experiences.


Member A: During the period I lived in Leeds, I have passed by Leeds Playhouse many times — in my heart, it is one of the landmarks of this city.The exterior of this building does not ook like what I remember a theatre should look like, it is more avant-garde, more modern. Although I have not been to Leeds Playhouse yet, I am very interested in it: when was it built? Has it always been like this? Thus, when we had this opportunity, we chose this topic for research. The Special Collections give us some tools to look back of Leeds Playhouse's history vertically, and it is also a looking glass to look horizontally at the British theatre industry.


Member B:: My personal connection with the Leeds Playhouse collection is profoundly shaped by my background as a Chinese student in digital media, enhancing my engagement with British culture through the lens of theater. This collection serves as a bridge, enriching my understanding of the nuances in British theatrical expressions and community interactions, which are often different from those in my home country. Other individuals might experience this collection from varied perspectives, such as a focus on its artistic merit, historical evolution, or its impact on local community development. For instance, a local British student might appreciate the historical continuity and local relevance more deeply, or a theater practitioner might focus on the technical and artistic aspects of the productions. These differences in experience can be attributed to diverse educational backgrounds, cultural heritages, and personal interests. For example, my view as an international student is naturally influenced by my attempts to integrate into a new culture and find familiar emotional resonances in unfamiliar settings, whereas a local might engage with the collection with a sense of familiarity or nostalgia.


Member C: I enjoy engaging with the theatre industry in the city when possible, I have not attended Leeds Playhouse specifically but I have been to see shows at City Varieties and Leeds Grand Theatre. I think it is important that we continue to support this industry, there is something special about going to see a live performance as opposed to streaming a show on Netflix. I often seek out theatre performances on my own, I think in some ways there is a lack of promotion if you have not engaged of your own fruition.


Member D: Although I have never gone particularly to the Leeds Playhouse, I have always been interested in theatre. When I visited the Special Collections, I observed how the Leeds Playhouse developed from nobody's support to being one of the most exciting theatres in Leeds. My interest in the development of the Leeds Playhouse, and indeed the UK theatre industry, grows by the day. These two assignments also gave me a deeper understanding of how the theatre industry is becoming more and more popular while completing tasks.


Member E: As an audience member of musicals, I know that theatre is challenging for the theatre to develop. Still, the state and institutions are beginning to support it to attract a younger audience and popularize theatre culture. We can see from the case of Leeds Playhouse that with the advancement of technology, theatre arts are constantly incorporating new techniques. Modern theatres delve deeper into social and cultural themes. As a mirror reflecting social reality, the theatre often takes the pulse of the times and explores social issues and cultural changes. Entertaining the public only promotes the audience's thinking and discussion of these critical topics. Since I'm a young enthusiast myself, theatre and plays are becoming more and more innovative nowadays, such as operas co-branded with Disney, stage plays, and musicals adapted through TV shows/comics, immersive plays like Sleep No More, Burnt City, and ambient residency musicals such as Apollonia, Santalucia... This approach blurs the line between audience and production, increasing the appeal and impact of the play. It proves the vitality of the art of theatre and shows how it adapts and leads the way in culture and art.
